About Via International
Paths to Sustainable Development
Rooted in California/Baja California region, Via International is a non-profit organization (EIN: 95-2961670) with extensive relationships of trust across Mexico, Central America and beyond. Via was founded in 1975 and will celebrate 50 years in 2025.
Our Vision
We envision a world where all people live in just, sustainable and healthy communities.
Our Mission
We promote sustainable development by engaging and supporting leaders in emerging communities.
Our Method
We promote asset-based community development. Instead of developing a strategy based on a community’s needs, as perceived by those from outside the community, we support local leaders from within the community to build off already present strengths and assets. This encourages a participatory process where people identify their own needs and take action to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families and their communities.
Our Core Principles
The Values We Strive to Follow
1. Human Dignity - Dignidad Humana
2. Social Justice- Justicia Social
3. Peace - Paz
4. Self-Reliance - Autogestión
5. Sustainability - Sustentabilidad
6. Human Formation/ Development - Formación Humana
7. Community Development - Desarrollo Comunitario
8. Leadership - Liderazgo
Via International works towards sustainable development in line with the UN goals to end poverty, inequality and climate change.The UN has 17 Sustainability Goals.

Download our worksheet to understand how Via International's work fits into the global context of the 17 Sustainability Goals created by the UN.